Rules & Reminders

To create a healthy and successful learning environment in our classroom, we have a few basic rules:

  1. Treat everyone with respect.
  2. Practice self-control.
  3. Make good choices.
  4. Have a good attitude.
  5. Take an active part and always do your best!

Positive Consequences for Following the Rules:

  1. Daily Group Points 
  2. P.A.T.-Preferred Activitiy Time 
  3. Receiving an award at Awards Assemblies
  4. A "warm fuzzy" note from me 
  5. Positive notes home and praises for good deeds 

Consequences for Bad Choices:

  1. Warning (move clip down to the "Warning" on Chapman Standards)
  2. Fix-It Plan (fill-out a Fix-It Plan. What happened? How will you fix it?)
  3. Alternative Setting (work in another class)
  4. Office (student sent immediately to office)

  • Tardies/Absences: Late students need to get a "late slip" from the office before coming to class. Absent students need an "admit slip" the day they return to class.
  • Birthdays: To prevent hurt feelings, birthday invitations may not be distributed at school. Due to our new Wellness Policy, we are only allowed to have cupcakes once a month for birthdays, so please let me know ahead of time for permission. You can bring in Rice Krispy Treats as an alternative for any birthday.
  • Parent Volunteers: For safety reasons, parent volunteers sign in at the office and wear a nametag while on campus during school hours. Any parent wishing to drive on field trips must have an insurance form on file.
  • Conferences/Progress Reports: Conferences are held in the Fall and Spring. Additional conferences can be made by special arrangement with the teacher. Progress reports are given at the end of every month, except September.