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The Title I program at Chapman Elementary School is a school wide project. The staff uses a collaboration model to offer extra help to students who are not performing at the academic level of other students their age. The collaboration model provides a forum where teacher and support staff discuss, plan and implement programs to meet the needs of our students. Programs funded under Title I are discussed below.

Guided Reading

Guided Reading is an instructional and evaluative technique for grades K through 3 that supports and encourages the development of strategies for independent reading. Guided Reading uses reading material at the students instructional level. Six training sessions for instructors.

Read Naturally

Read Naturally provides a method to improve reading fluency for students in grades 1-6. Most struggling readers have fluency problems and spend little time reading. This program combines three powerful strategies for improving fluency: teacher modeling, repeated readings and progress monitoring. Learn more about Read Naturally 


Rewards is a program which focuses on word attack and fluency development strategies. Through a series of activities students learn a flexible strategy for decoding long words and to increase their oral and silent reading fluency. Learn more about Rewards

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